Scientific Name: Casimiroa edulis
Family: Rutaceae
The casimiroa or white sapote (Casimiroa edulis)
belongs to the Rutaceae family (the same as Citrus), but the fruit and
tree bear little or no resemblance to citrus. The fruit which is very
sweet and fine textured, is grown commercially in Mexico and
California, but is presently almost unknown in Australia. It is native
to the highlands of Mexico and Central America. Recent interest in the
fruit for commercial production and possible export has prompted the
need to assess cultivars, investigate flowering and pollination
behaviour and develop management techniques.
Climatic and Soil Requirements The
Casimiroa is distinctly subtropical in its climatic requirements. Trees
in California usually survive temperatures as low as minus 4°C.
Flowering in S.E. Queensland can occur in the coolest winter months of
July and August.
The trees are capable of growing in a wide range of soil types from sands to clay loams and do not appear to be susceptible to Phytophthora cinnamomi root disease. Soil pH should be maintained between 5.5 and 6.5.
Clean, air-dried seed will give reasonable germination percentage, up to three weeks after removal from the fruit.
raised in a suitable seed-raising mix or light porous soil, will
germinate in 3 to 4 weeks in warm weather or with artificial heat
(30°C) in cold weather.
Seedlings of C. edulis are recommended as rootstock material because of their hardiness to cold. Cultivars of C. tetrameria can be propagated successfully on C. edulis seedlings, although there is a tendency towards the overgrowth of the rootstock at the union in this combination.
grow quickly and can be T-budded or chip budded in spring or autumn
when stem diameter is about 10mm. Budwood that has matured and has grey
bark should be used. The bud should be left exposed after tying, and
after 3 to 4 weeks, if the bud has taken, the stock should be cut back
to between 2 and 8 cm above the bud.
Propagation Casimiroa
does not come true-to-type from seed, and trees are very variable. Seed
does not store well (up to two months maximum), but a high percentage
germination of seed, freshly removed from fruit can be expected.
can be grafted whenever it is warm enough for the trees to grow well.
Success rates, using budding and grafting, are often as high as 100
Fruit Quality Characteristics The
Casimiroa is currently being assessed in a wide range of climatic
regions from Sydney to Cairns. Forty cultivars are under assessment at
the Maroochy Horticultural Research Station at Nambour.
are highly variable in their fruit quality characteristics; taste
panels have described flavours of different cultivars as being similar
to that found in pears, mango, custard apple and bananas! Flavour
characteristics appear to be enhanced as fruit sugar levels increase
during the season. For this reason, harvesting at the optimum time of
maturity is important. With some cultivars this is relatively easy as
there is a change in skin colour from green to yellow with advancing
maturity. Many cultivars which have desirable eating qualities may not
be suitable for commercial production because they are also highly
susceptible to bruising. Many cultivars also exhibit a poor shelf life.
Recommended Cultivars Although
there are over 60 named cultivars of casimiroa in California and
Australia, only a few will be acceptable for commercial production. Of
the cultivars tested to date in Queensland, only three, Reinikie
Commercial, Golden Globe, and Lemon Gold, can be tentatively
recommended for commercial plantings. Of these, 'Reinikie Commercial'
has the most attractive appearance. Further information is needed on
yields and maturity time before definite recommendations can be made.
Reinikie Commercial.
A large, flat fruit with a strong flavour. Maturity can be easily
judged by a change in skin colour from green to yellow. Post-harvest
shelf life is fair, but it is moderately susceptible to bruising. This
cultivar has produced heavy crops on 3-year-old trees at Nambour and
Golden Globe. A small, round, symmetrical fruit
with excellent flavour. Maturity can be easily judged by a change in
skin colour from green to pale yellow. Post-harvest shelf life is fair
and it is moderately susceptible to bruising. Has produced moderate
crops on 3-year-old trees at Nambour.
Lemon Gold.
A moderately-sized fruit with a mild flavour and excellent texture.
Post-harvest shelf life is good and susceptibility to bruising low.
This cultivar has produced moderate to heavy crops at Rockhampton, but
reports from California suggest that it may be a poor cropper under
cooler growing conditions.
Other promising cultivars which require further testing are Candy, Rainbow, and Sheffler.
Management Planting. Planting distances of 8m between rows and 4m within rows is suggested. Young trees should be protected from frost.
Pruning. Cultivars
differ markedly in their growth habits, with many producing strong
apically-dominant growth. With the more vigorous, upright habit types,
light regular pruning every 2 to 3 months for the first 3 to 4 years
after planting is necessary. Light, regular pruning produces more
fruiting laterals and a leafier canopy, which reduces sunburning of the
Thinning. Cultivars which naturally set heavy crops of small-sized fruit may need to be thinned to only one or two fruit per cluster.
Windbreaks. Young
trees after planting, are particularly susceptible to wind damage and
may need to be staked. Fruit is also easily blemished from leaf rub.
The establishment of both major and minor windbreaks prior to planting
is essential.
Irrigation. Young
trees require frequent watering to ensure good growth. Once trees reach
maturity, water stressing in late Autumn and Winter may improve flora
initiation and encourage uniform flowering. Water stress during the
flowering and fruit development periods, however, appears to be
Flowering and Pollination Flowering
occurs from late Autumn to early Summer. The flower clusters are
produced either terminally or in the axils of mature leaves. Trees
appear to respond to out-of-season floral induction by branch
cincturing or water stress. Most commercial cultivars produce only
functional female flowers due to the absence of pollen in the stamens,
thus requiring other cultivars planted nearby to ensure pollination.
Until further investigations can be carried out, it is recommended that
both these cultivars be planted in blocks of 1 pollinator tree to every
9 trees of the commercial cultivar.
Pests and Diseases The most important insect pests are fruit fly, fruit spotting bug, soft brown scale, and mealybugs.
Fruit Maturity and Harvesting In
S.E. Queensland, fruit matures between early November and late January.
In warmer subtropical areas, fruit mature up to one month earlier,
while under cooler subtropical conditions, maturity may be delayed by 2
to 3 months.
Future Prospects Commercial
development of this fruit on a small to medium scale appears good. The
development of export markets to S. E. Asia may be feasible since the
Asians like sweet fruit. Due to the highly perishable nature of this
fruit, more information is needed on its post-harvest handling
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