Blue Grape

A tree of blue grape
Other names:
False jaboticaba
grape is a close relative of jaboticaba and a member of the genus
Myrciaria whose members have several bearing plants. It bears a small,
purple fruit with thin, sweet flesh surrounding one or two large seeds.
However, it has no relationship at all with grape. As the ripe fruits
have a flavour resembling some what like that of a grape, so it has
also named as blue “grape” due to this resemblance.
This fruit is a native of South America and it grows in the warmer
coastal areas. Blue grape is a beautiful shrub suitable for planting as an ornamental
shrub in gardens as well as at homes.
slow growing, shrub or small tree, usually to around 2 m high. Fruits
bluish to dark purple, edible, pulp grape berry flavoured. Fruits are
borne in late spring or even during early fall too. It is a very heavy
bearer. A single bush may produce several thousand fruits. Seeds 2-1.

Blue grape foliage and fruits
The fruits are good to eat. Usually, these are eaten fresh. Sometimes
the fruits are also made into a drink. Cultivation
blue grape is little known in cultivation in spite of the fact that its
fruits are of equal or may be superior quality to any other Myrciaria.
It should be promoted as an orchard fruit. It grows in warmer
coastal areas. Though its hardiness has never been tested with
precision, but it is believed that the plant will survive mild frosts
upto -2 C. Blue grape can be propagated by seed as well as by cuttings.
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Blue Grape